St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Elementary School

November 5,2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011

  St. Mary School
requests the pleasure of your company at the

“Passport to Venice” Auction, Dinner and Dance

On Saturday, November 8, 2008,

in the “Venetian Room”

St. Mary School

1158 Bont Lane, WC 94596


Complimentary Passport Drawing for a trip to “Tuscany Towers” 

See Catalogue for details.  



                     Schedule of Event

 5:30pm - Check-In, Get Your Passport Stamped!,

  Venetian Reception and Silent Auction.

 7:30pm - Dinner catered by Scott’s Seafood Restaurant.

 8:30pm - Live Auction and Grand Raffle.

 9:30pm - Dancing to Strawberry Fields.

              - Passport Drawing. (Must be present to win!)


$65 per person                                                Few seats left, RSVP now!



Event Image